A fashion and lifestyle magazine and blog produced by Students in the Design and Merchandising program at Drexel University

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Immortal Beauty at Drexel University

--> As a former intern at Drexel’s Robert & Penny Fox Historic Costume Collection, I was so excited when the Immortal Beauty highlights exhibition finally opened! With a date range that includes the mid-1500s up until the present, the incredibly curated selection of items within the gallery showcases the variety of beautiful pieces our collection has.

While volunteering at the public opening last Friday, I was able to peruse the exhibit multiple times, taking as long as I wanted to look at each piece. Having been an intern and volunteering from time to time, I am in awe of what the FHCC has accomplished. I’ve walked through the aisles of our vault numerous times, but there’s nothing like seeing a garment properly dressed on a perfectly customized mannequin – it really gives the piece life.

Perhaps the most special garment out on display is a gorgeous coral Givenchy gown previously owned and worn by Philadelphia’s own Grace Kelly. (And, if you watch the video playing in the gallery, you can see images of Her Serene Highness wearing it!)

My personal favorite, however, is a deep plum dress featured near the entrance to the exhibit. During my internship, I came across it in storage and found that it had a Drexel connection, along with being simply beautiful. As it turns out, there is a portrait of the owner wearing the skirt with an evening version of the bodice in Main Building – I have yet to see it myself, but am curious as to what this woman looked like.

I don’t want to give too many details so as to spoil the experience, though! If you live in the area or will be in the area between now and December 14th, I would highly suggest visiting the exhibition in our Pearlstein Gallery.


  1. The amount of fashion history displayed at the "Immortal Beauty" display is incomparable to anything else in Philadelphia. The range of designs and the age of some of these garments is remarkable, especially with the history they possess. Personally, I cannot wait to go see the collection, it contains so many timeless pieces and elegant designs.

  2. I think it's so awesome that we as Drexel students have an exhibition as amazing as this one on our own campus. Just like the author, I'd love to volunteer at this exhibition and be able to look at the pieces for as long as I desire. I also think it's cool that well known designers, like Givenchy, have garments in the exhibition as well.

  3. I love the fact that we have such an extensive history collection here at Drexel. There is definitely a lot to learn by observing older fashion trends and looking at historic pieces. I think that volunteering at the exhibition would be really cool because you get to interact as well as observe such interact pieces!

  4. The "Immortal Beauty" Collection is full of vast history and the fact that it is shown on our campus is amazing. After going there, I saw such eclectic pieces that must have been such a honor to wear. I would love to volunteer here and learn more about the collection as well as each individual piece.
