A fashion and lifestyle magazine and blog produced by Students in the Design and Merchandising program at Drexel University

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Trend: Dip Dyed Hair

By Eryn Park
For the past couple of months I have seen an array of hair colors on the runways, at award shows,  in street fashion and everyday life. These are not just ordinary hair colors such as the ombre brown into blonde hair that was in fashion last year; these are My Little Pony statements. This means aquamarine, lavender, pink, red and bright blue hair. Normal colored hair is no longer special or interesting anymore. Are bright colors the new trend for the hair this year?
I was first introduced to this trend when my sister walked into my room one morning and had bright aquamarine tips at the ends of her long dark brown hair. When I asked her what in the world she was thinking to do this to herself, she simply responded that she just did it for fun. I demanded for her to dye it back but she refused. Later that week I was watching Fashion Police on E! and realized that Kelly Osbourne had dyed her full head lavender. It was a shock to me that people were actually dying their hair these crazy colors. I took a second look at Kelly’s hair and decided that it did not look half bad. Next thing I know, I’m seeing pink dip-dyed hair in Prada’s ad campaigns and runways and on many celebrities.
I slowly began to like the idea of dying my hair pink and blue because it looked so chic and effortless on everyone that was doing it. That was until I saw Christina Aguilera as a judge on the show The Voice. Her hair was several dip-dyed colors and it just looked awful with her platinum blonde hair. Fashion lovers commented on how her hair looked like the tail of the My Little Pony toys that they used to play with when they were kids. I sadly agreed with all of them and told myself that there is a limit to dying your hair pretty colors.
I found out that the trick to dip dying your hair is to stick with one color and not multiple. I do not find dip-dying strange anymore but somewhat interesting and unexpected. It is nice to be different from other people, and I think it allows people to send the message that they are just having fun and enjoying life. Since it has been around now for a couple of months, I may decide to give it a try and dip-dye my ends. My short dark hair is in need of a change and I think going in a colorful direction may be the answer.

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