A fashion and lifestyle magazine and blog produced by Students in the Design and Merchandising program at Drexel University

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

D&M Kiosk Opens

This month marks the beginning of an exciting new venture for Design & Merchandising at Drexel with the launch of its retail kiosk. The kiosk will be operated by D&M students and will be found at various college events, such as gallery openings and the fashion show. All of the items in the kiosk are created for sale by faculty, students and alumni of the Westphal College of Media Arts & Design (CoMAD).

Open this week in the lobby of Nesbitt Hall (33rd and Market), come to shop for holiday gifts such as clothing, jewelry and artwork.

The design for the kiosk was a competition among students in the spring term of Visual Merchandising. The design had a strict budget and specific requirements: to be modular, easily maneuverable, self contained, and eco-friendly. The class came up with numerous prototypes and design plans, but the final design chosen belonged to Jesse Ligo and Christina Sioutis. There were a few post-design changes made, so the images below follow the development of the kiosk, from design to final product.

Initial Kiosk Design (opened)

Primary model

Alumni shopping the Kiosk at its launch party

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