A fashion and lifestyle magazine and blog produced by Students in the Design and Merchandising program at Drexel University

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Resolution's Resolved!

It's that time again. I mean about a month into the New Year. You rang it in with all the best intentions and resolutions about how you were going to make 2010 better than the last. According to USA.gov's list of the TOP New Year's Resolutions, you resolved to:

Drink Less Alcohol

Get a Better Education

Get a Better Job

Get Fit

Lose Weight

Manage Debt

Quit Smoking Now

Reduce Stress at Work

Reduce Stress Overall

Save Money

Take a Trip

Volunteer to Help Others

But here you are, near the end of January, almost 1/12th of the way to 2011 and nothing's changed! You’ve already racked up 2 overdraft charges to your bank account, you’re so stressed that you started biting your nails and that trip… does a TransPass does not count?

No, it does not.

Well what the heck? What’s holding you back? The only answer to that is yourself. Instead of making a lengthy list of resolutions swearing to change your life in one year or less, why not resolve to change all the

“I can'ts” into “Why not’s?!"

With that, you will then dive head first into whatever seems to be getting you down. Bank account looking dim? Not “I can’t” change that. Instead “Why not” clean out your closet and sell what you no longer want to a second hand store? This could kill two birds with one stone. How about stress? “Why not” join a yoga class, bust that stress and get in shape at the same time? Quit smoking? “Why not” drink less alcohol and thus, smoke less. Another two-for-one.

All I’m sayin’ is don’t make resolutions that you know you won’t keep. Break down the issues and realize why they are causing problems in your life. Smaller steps will make making that change seem like less ominous a task. Here’s to a transformation, a better you!

Good luck and don’t sweat the small stuff!

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