When I saw the headline announcing Target’s launch of a plus-size line I was stopped in my tracks. How did Target not have plus-size clothing before? As someone who is privileged enough to almost always find her size in the store, it was sad to think that so many people weren’t able to buy many clothes at a mass retailer like Target!
The plus-size market only makes up 15% of the industry, meaning it is underserved. I’m sure Target will see a great return on the collection sparking an increase in clothing options for plus-size shoppers. Women’s Wear Daily predicts Target will see some competition from retailers like JC Penny in the near future. Prior to this new collection, Target offered a limited selection of plus size clothing that was inconsistent and disjointed.This line aims to offer customers the ability to shop pieces that are more trendy can be paired together to create outfits.
The line, Ava & Viv, is the first new apparel brand to hit Target stores since 2008. Even more exciting, this is the first clothing brand Target has build completely internally in decades. Ava & Viv will hit stores and online mid-february and is targeted toward a fashion-forward girl who happens to be plus-size. Ava & Viv will receive new shipments monthly and the collection will consist both basics and statement pieces. Unlike most plus-size lines, Ava & Viv does not shy away from color, print, or trendy silhouettes.
To help launch the line, Target has employed some of their biggest critics, plus-size fashion bloggers. The bloggers who have previously criticized Target and the fashion industry for their lack of attention to the plus-size consumer, will now star in the retailer’s marketing campaign. Perhaps with the help of these bloggers, Target will spark a revolution for the plus-size market. I look forward to seeing the spring line in stores and how the line will shape for seasons to come!
Being able to cater to plus size women is a great idea, showing a greater variety in clothing. Also bringing in the bloggers that have criticized them to help them show off the new clothes is very smart.