A fashion and lifestyle magazine and blog produced by Students in the Design and Merchandising program at Drexel University

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Five Tips From A Fashion Fanatic

Being a Design and Merchandising major its no surprise that I enjoy fashion. I love clothes of all kinds, I need every type of shoe from the basics to the extravagant, and I like "things". I like "things" that I believe are well designed, that could potentially be useful and I especially like things that are free since I am a college student. I'm making myself sound like a hoarder, I'm not. I have no problem getting rid of that which I no longer use. That being said, I can tell you that I am very disorganized.

My mind works like the fashion industry does. There are 1,000 things going through my head at one time, my thoughts change as quickly as the styles do, and I'm always trying to think ahead. Add in being a student that also works 35 hours a week, its a lot! I often let my bedroom fall to pieces during the busy workweek. I recently wrote out a list of five tips that I have been given and come up with on my own that have helped me in the past few weeks. I'd like to share those tips with you. If you're anything like me, constantly worried about other things that you can be a little messy, gosh I hate that word, lets use disorganized. If you're anything like me, constantly worried about other things that you can be a little disorganized, just follow even two of these tips and you'll make things a little easier on yourself.

1. If it takes less than a minute, do it.
This is a tip my dad gave me. Is one more minute going to make you late? If it takes you a minute to fold up your throw blanket and put it back in the closet, do it. If it takes you less than a minute to (girls I know we all do this sometimes) take your hair out of the shower, do it. If it takes you less than a minute to

2. Pre-separate your dirty laundry into whites, darks, and colors.
I've found a great way to avoid buying new laundry bins is to use oversized plastic shopping bags. Or how about the cloth shopping bags many stores give out now- I'm sure if you looked you'd have quite a few. Separating your laundry as you're taking off your dirty clothes is going to save you time when you go to wash them. This way, you can just throw your whites in when your whites pile fills up without worrying if you missed your red sock when quickly trying to separate before rushing off to do the next thing.

3. Buy yourself a rolling rack.
My boss gave me this idea. I had never thought about buying a rolling rack before but I was so glad that I did. I got one very inexpensive from Bed, Bath and Beyond- nothing fancy- but it does the job. I immediately went home and put some of my favorite pieces and some of my go-to pieces on there. This way, when I wake up in the morning and I have no idea what to wear, I have a starting point. I can pick a pair of jeans off of there and grab a shirt from my closet. I can choose a sweater that has been hanging on there for a few days and pair it with my favorite leather leggings. It sounds silly, but it has ben a very helpful and time-saving tool.

4. Buy yourself a shoe rack.
This has simply helped me save up some floor space and kept me from losing one shoe out of the pair. I put my shoe rack in my closet, but if you're living in a dorm or a small apartment it doesn't take up too much space to keep in your living room or bedroom. Mine has three "shelves" and the width is adjustable. My closet can often get piled with clothes and things that I'm ashamed to say I just toss in there when I don't feel like cleaning up after myself. Having the shoe rack has allowed me to keep my shoes organized and out of the way.

5. If you're not wearing it or using it- GET RID OF IT.
It took a long time for me to be comfortable with getting rid of my clothes. I have an older sister and a younger sister and we often share and trade clothes. When we don't want something anymore, we just give it to one another but it isn't like giving it away because it is still right there if we really need it. I've stopped doing this- sorry sisters! I would give my younger sister things and then when I know she wouldn't be home, I'd go in her closet and take them back a few weeks later. I've stopped doing that. Now, at the end of every season, I go through what I have hanging in my closet and folded in my drawers, and yes- I go through the pile of clothes I've let sit too long on my closet floor. If I haven't worn any item that season or only wore it once, I get rid of it, no matter how difficult that may be for me. During this process- I have two big bags: donations, resell, trash. I separate what I am no longer going to keep into those three categories and as soon as I am finished I seal the bags and put the donations and resell in the trunk of my car. Within the week I take each bag where it needs to go this way I don't have time to second guess myself and bring half of what I want to get rid of back into the house.

This tip list is a working list for me. As I come across new things that help me stay organized I write them down in my notes. I do this for many aspects of my life because being as busy as I am it becomes difficult to keep everything in order. I never ever thought I would be the kind of person who has lists. But everyone was right! They help. So follow my list or make up your own, whatever you do, just remember- if it takes you less than a minute to write it down- do it!

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